Finalists will be announced in July. 

All privately-owned companies that are headquartered in the UK are eligible to be nominated for/enter the Growing Business Awards. The company must have been running for at least 3 years.

Thursday 11 September -  Judging Day

Thursday 27 November - Growing Business Awards ceremony

Super Early Bird entry - £99 (valid until 25 April)

Early Bird entry - £199 (valid until 23 May)

Standard entry - £249 ( valid until 20 June)

The entry fee is payable on submission by card payment only.

Yes. If you are entering multiple categories please read the relevant descriptions for each, ensuring that you have tailored the entry specifically to each category.

All information provided in the entry form is strictly confidential and only for use in the judging process and viewed by the judging panel. No information will be made public or used on the awards night.

All nominations that we receive online will be assessed by our shortlisting team. Successful finalists will then be asked to attend a judging day on Thursday 11 September, where they will meet with a panel of judges. The judges will then decide on a winner who will be announced at the awards ceremony.

The Judging Day will be taking place on Thursday 11 September at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

Up to two representatives from each finalist are invited to attend the judging day. Usually, companies will send their CEO/CFO/COO or other equivalent senior management.

We will do our best to accommodate, however it is unlikely we will be able to change your scheduled time. Please try and keep the whole day free in your diary.

We strongly recommend you attend in person as this is part of your entry and will contribute to the judge’s decision.

We can try to offer you a conference call if you cannot attend in person on the day but this is only possible if our schedule allows.

The judges will decide the winners of each category which will be announced at the awards ceremony.

The winners are announced at the awards ceremony on Thursday 27 November. Please note we do not reveal the winners beforehand.

Details will be included in your confirmation email when you have booked seats/a table for the awards ceremony.

No, finalists have to purchase tickets to the ceremony. You can redeem the cost of your entry against table purchases to the awards ceremony, entry fees cannot be redeemed from individual tickets.

The table options will be updated shortly.

18.30 Drinks reception
19:30 Growing Business Awards - Part 1
20:20 Dinner
22:00 Growing Business Awards - Part 2
23:00 Cash bar
00:30 Carriages